Clean the beach
The amount of plastic and glass trash on the beach in Haifa has gone beyond anything I have ever seen. I feel like I'm in Guatemala again. If you don't know, in many 3rd world countries - people take their home trash to the bus, in order to throw it from the window - far away from home. When I saw the beach today, it reminded me just that. And who gains money from all of this? Coca Cola, Prigat, Goldstar. The rest of us get a poluted beach. I'm really ashamed of this.
In 3 weeks I have a 2 hour course from the ministry of environment. I'll get certified as a "Neeman Nikayon", so I'll be able to fine people that trash like this. I'm considering running a campaign to stop this filthy habit of trashing our beach. We'll see if I can do something effective. Seems to me like a nice challenge. He he, I hope that in the 2 hours they also teach self-defence :). Who knows, here in Israel...
This is what I think of Ne'emaney Nikayon:
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